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28 Jan

Working at Somewhere House

Having completed my placement hours with Somewhere House as a student counsellor, starting January 2024  and completing in early August of the same year. I found the first three months really difficult, as far as i was concerned, progress was slow and I wasn't on the right path.  Gradually, through support of the team and a degree of determination I started to learn that I was becoming part of a difficult but necessary process.  It was during a challenging group therapy session that the penny finally dropped, I needed to stop doing things my way and accept the obvious, that being, the guidance and direction I was so strongly resisting.  

 I had so much more to learn and found the field of addiction challenging but rewarding.  I should probbly at this point confess, or at least challenge the preconceived ideas I had around addiction.  The realitiy was, is that I knew nothing, literally nothing! 

Moving into Autumn, I found an extension course in an area that I find paticurally interesting and helpful in treating addiction, that being Gestalt therapy.  I took much from this course and have slowly tried intergrate some components into my work.