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22 Sep

What do you believe and why?

Today we have been discussing core beliefs and values. If you asked most people I think it’s a far assumption that they would say that they followed a moral code, a set of instructions telling them what they should believe and how they should act in certain situations

But where do these ‘instructions’ come from?  Do you actually agree with them? Have you ever really looked at what you believe and asked yourself why? 

The truth is that there is no right or wrong answer here. Each individual is free to believe what they want to believe.  Free to act how they want to act. And, crucially, free to change their mind about their beliefs as often as they like and without needing to explain themselves.

If you’re really honest, can you say that all of your choices are free choices?  If not, then why not take this opportunity to take a look.  You might like what you see, and you might decide that you’re happy just the way you are.  Or… as is so often the case, you may just find that you have been following someone else’s code.  It could be Society’s, it could be your parents.  Maybe it’s shaped by your job or from a powerful life experience.  Maybe it’s a combination of all of these.  The point, however, is, that it is never too late to start making your own choices, to start exploring and to start living life by your own beliefs and values.  It may be just be the best thing you have ever done.